Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nature Art

These are mostly pictures of flowers around my house that I've played with in Adobe Photoshop. My yard is amazing--we moved in about two years ago, and the yard is huge, but had only one misshapen Japanese magnolia, a Crepe Myrtle, and some kinda really ugly bushes along the side porch.
The first year, some tulips and ONE hyacinth came up in the front yard early in the spring. Then a few daffodils appeared, and then one morning, some sort of daylilies (I think--not really positive what they are) popped up out of nowhere around the front porch...I mean, these things really shot up...in the morning there would be nothing but a bit of stem and by the next day, they were in full bloom..incredible!!
Later in the summer, a great big area of tiger lilies appeared along the back edge of the retaining wall; I love tiger lilies, cause they're ORANGE, and I'm a Tennessee fan!

THIS spring, there were even MORE hyacinths...then came the freezing weather at Easter and everything died, including the cool fast-growing lilies which were only blades at the time, still hadn't even grown stems. Then came the first of June...and boom, there were the lilies! Don't know HOW they managed to come back from the dead like that...
Then the tiger lilies again, still beautiful. And NOW, new flowers, in the same location as the tiger lilies but coming up only as the lilies die back. We've been here nearly two years now, and this is the first time I've seen these flowers...and to top it off, I think they're Rose of Sharon...yeah, my name's Sharon. I almost bought a Rose of Sharon plant this spring, but I decided to wait. Guess I won't really need to now...
I haven't gotten a really good picture of the Rose of Sharon yet, because I haven't caught one of the blossoms at just the right point.

Anyway, here's a slide show of some nature pics--they aren't all from my yard--the heron is from a little pond near my house, the bird on the flower is from Washington, DC:

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