Monday, September 3, 2007

Boomsday 2007

Ha! I guess I should have thought about the fact that I'd want to put up Boomsday firework pictures before I made my FIRST posting of the July 4th fireworks...well, these WERE a bit more spectacular than the ones in my brother's driveway!!

Boomsday is Knoxvegas' big Labor Day celebration, which ends with massive amounts of fireworks being shot off from Volunteer Landing, along the river. It is a mass of humanity...and I'm not really a big fan of being in the middle of masses of humanity, so my kids can make me go, but they can't make me really get into the thick of things! These are from the vantage point of the Baptist Hospital parking lot, just to southeast side of the bridge where the fireworks are shot off.

I tried to put a video sampling up, but it's not working. Admittedly, I've never done it before, on blogspot anyway, so maybe I'm just missing something.
In the meantime, I'll post the "art pics" I've done.

Okay, no more fireworks pics for a while (unless I can get the Boomsday video loaded...); tomorrow I'm moving on to some of my nature pictures, and then a cool new effect I've been playing with on my camera.

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