Monday, November 12, 2007

Baltimore & Poe

I recently went to Baltimore, on what I call a "medically-induced vacation." In other words, I didn't really CHOOSE to go there, and I wasn't really there to sightsee, but I did get to spend one day, after some testing at Johns Hopkins the day before, exploring the Inner Harbor.

It also happened to be on Halloween, and we got to go to the church/cemetery where Edgar Allen Poe is buried and take a tour of the catacombs under the church, as well as hear some dramatists present some of Poe's works, including The Raven and The Tell-Tale Heart.
Halloween ranks pretty low on my list of holidays, but I must say this was an excellent way to spend the was not presented as a creepy, scary thing, but had a much greater historical/literary emphasis, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I did take pictures in the cemetery and in the catacombs, but I'm only posting one of Poe's grave, because there were just too many other beautiful things to photograph in Baltimore. This is just a small sampling; I took over 100 pictures, easily, but haven't had much time to play with them. I'll add more as I can, but even if I don't play with them, they have to be adjusted to a more web-friendly size.

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