Saturday, August 2, 2008

A little Bugged

Nothing arty about this, really, I just thought it was pretty cool. Recently, our scout troop was doing the flag ceremony for a grocery store's grand opening. While we were waiting for time for the ceremony, two of the boys saw these two different insects on some rocks out in the parking lot; they picked the rocks up and acted like they were going to pit the bugs against each other...only imagine their surprise when the little critters actually DID attack each other!
They were almost as surprised as I was when I realized I'd gotten as good a picture of it as I did!

The little stink-buggish critter won, by the way; it not only struck first, but the grasshopper kinda struck back real fast and then hopped as hard as it could to get the heck out of Dodge!
And at least ONE of the boy scouts screamed like a girl....but I won't say WHICH one...